Concerned about your child’s communication development?

Take our simple quiz to see how your child’s—or your own—speech and language is progressing and whether an evaluation is recommended.

Take the screener

Many speech and language problems go unidentified

1 in 12 children has a communication disorder

Which can impact the development of speech and language skills

Almost 50% of them go without speech therapy

But early diagnosis and intervention leads to better quality of life and school success

Many children don’t “grow out” of their disorder

The longer a child waits, the harder it becomes to correct speech problems

Our screener lets you know if an evaluation is recommended

An evaluation will show whether speech therapy is needed


Schedule a free consultation

Trust your instincts. If you’re worried your child might be struggling with communication or not reaching milestones typical for their age, contact us for a free consultation. You can talk with a specialist to share your concerns and get expert recommendations.

Ready to take the next step?

Start the screener